iPhone 1.1.3 jailbreak Released

NOTE: 1.1.3 JB has some bugs, and they are getting fixed!

I will update this page with the most recent download link to the Jailbreak.
Here it is: tinyurl.com/3bjbbs

More details… If you can activate your iphone, you don’t need the patched lockdownd.
Grab the original one: http://tinyurl.com/2o6kla

sftp to your iphone and replace /usr/libexec/lockdownd

NOTE: I had issues with activation after jailbreak 113, I had to remove this folder:

rm -rf /private/var/root/Library/Lockdown

ATTENTION: You need to move your Applications folder to get free HD space.

cp -r /Applications /private/var/
rm -r /Applications
ln -s /private/var/Applications /
chmod +s /Applications/Installer.app/Installer

OTB 1.1.2 iPhone unlock: Decrypt 1.1.3 ramdisk

Ramdisk key has been found, this is the second iPhone’s most important secret.
And you wonder how you could mount that image now?

We just wrote a nice script for you to retrieve the 1.1.3 firmware, and mount
the main firmware and the ramdisk dmg’s directly on your desktop.

Download the files here …

Airport Extreme 802.11n Drops Connections

usage: 2 yearsPhotoshop 3.08BIMŠ worldwide unlimited usage except advertisi

I recently bought this beautiful piece of hardware.
Gigabit, 802.11n, USB port for HD, stability, power, design…
But I quickly ran into a problem, the wifi connection was dropping after couple of hours.
Nothing I could do about it but rebooting the airport extreme.

Really annoying, as I bought this device specially for more stability and power with wifi.

Here is the solution : Disable IPv6 in the router config which is enabled by default !!
(Manual Setup -> Advanced -> IPv6 -> Local-link only)

Really it works! That’s the default setting on Time Capsule.

Merry Geeky Christmas!

After one week of bad downtime (hardware issues), we are back!
And we want to take this opportunity to wish you all, a …

Merry Geeky Christmas! (Vista blows)

Check it out in your native language….

Afrikaans: Gese