Leopard 10.5 PC Version

It was like a year go, JaS released the 10.4.8 Mac OS X86 DVD (link).

Now it is time for the new Leopard Mac OS to get his X86 version!
What’s so special with that version? Well, simple. It runs on a Windows PC!

And this time it’s a ToH release. Version RC2 is what you want!

Tip 1: BS:misc
Tip 2: md5 of correct RC2 iso is 83909703A60283FFC8F3DA1D8A8594F0

IRC: irc.osx86.hu – #leopard – #10.5

Charlessoft Pacifist 2.5 Beta

Charles has released an update to his great Pacifist 2.0.1 software.

Pacifist 2.5 Beta is available
Get it here

Very useful software to play with tiger packages.
And now, it’s coming for the new Leopard packages.
Enjoy! And report bugs to: support@charlessoft.com