10.4.8 kernel boots in Single User mode!

After some quite long period of compiling/testing/debugging, semthex 10.4.8 kernel
finally boots to single user mode!

Congrats Semthex!

  • This kernel was compiled for SSE2, so it will work for any SSE2 comp 🙂
  • The NX bit is not required, disabled by JaS.
  • HPET has also been disabled.
  • Legacy support for socket 7 has been added as a boot option

Here is the semthex 10.4.8 source code: coming soon…

You can get original apple 10.4.8 sources here: www.macgeekblog.com/files/xnu-792.13.8.tar.gz
To compile, you need to install XCode 2.4: developer.apple.com/tools/download/
Download and install the kernel tools: www.macosforge.org/files/kernel-tools-8J2135.root.tar.gz

Execute the following commands in Terminal to install:

$ curl -O https://www.macgeekblog.com/files/kernel-tools-8j2135.root.tar.gz
$ sudo tar xzf kernel-tools-8J2135.root.tar.gz -C /

Then extract the source to a folder in /tmp/sources, and fire a Terminal window:

sudo -s
cd /tmp
chmod -R 777 sources
cd sources

mach_kernel is in BUILD/dst

copy mach_kernel to the root of your test system.

chmod -R 755 mach_kernel
chown -R root:wheel mach_kernel

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