iPhone 1.1.4 Firmware is OUT !

Do not upgrade yet ! Jailbreaking may work, but not unlocking…

Here is my script if you want to explore the content of 114 filesystem disk
and ramdisk: here

The script will download the new firmware and mount the disk images.

What’s new ?

– Bug fix sms app
– Better Camera software
– Better Bluetooth support
– Better network reception
– Safari tabs keep their content

iPhone firmware 1.1.4 & SDK

So you guys wonder what’s going on with the iPhone’s SDK Stevie announced in October.
The countdown has started, 15 days to go before the SDK release (hopefully!).
It has been rumored that some Developers already received the famous SDK to prepare
their applications and that it will only run under the new firmware “1.1.4 Alpha 2″.

So its clear the SDK won’t run on lower firmwares than 1.1.4.
Smart from the dev team to keep their 1.1.3 jailbreak secret until the 1.1.4 release!
With the new jailbreak and unlocks methods out there, we can except a new bootloader
in the 1.1.4 iPhone firmware. Something that will lock down our iPhones for a few months
until someone founds a way to jailbreak and unlock.

It’s time to buy your stock of 113 unlockable iPhones, 15 more days to go!

For those based in the UK, you can try your luck with o2, exclusive provider of the iPhone
in the UK. I’ve got a friend who’s got an o2 mobile phone and he vouches for o2’s more
than decent customer service, a must for us looking for ways to hack into every gadgets
we get our hands on. Apple’s got one of the best customer service in the world, I know, but
it won’t hurt to have another pair of willing and helping hands whenever we get into trouble.

Lotsa luck with the iPhone hunting mates!

iPhone 1.1.3 Unlocked! (Bootloader 3.9)

anySIM version 1.3: unlocks baseband 4.03_13_G (baseband from 1.1.3)

It’s only for bootloader 3.9 => don’t use on 4.6

Check out in the extended post how to use it, and where to download it!

To use it, upgrade the baseband then
put the iPhone in airplane mode and run it !

Download here

Or install through Installer.app !

iPhone 1.1.3 jailbreak Released

NOTE: 1.1.3 JB has some bugs, and they are getting fixed!

I will update this page with the most recent download link to the Jailbreak.
Here it is: tinyurl.com/3bjbbs

More details… If you can activate your iphone, you don’t need the patched lockdownd.
Grab the original one: http://tinyurl.com/2o6kla

sftp to your iphone and replace /usr/libexec/lockdownd

NOTE: I had issues with activation after jailbreak 113, I had to remove this folder:

rm -rf /private/var/root/Library/Lockdown

ATTENTION: You need to move your Applications folder to get free HD space.

cp -r /Applications /private/var/
rm -r /Applications
ln -s /private/var/Applications /
chmod +s /Applications/Installer.app/Installer