Vista under VMWare
Just got Vista running under VMWare Fusion beta on my Hack Pro X86

Just got Vista running under VMWare Fusion beta on my Hack Pro X86
It’s been one week now that it’s re-seeded on the green demon.
Known Issues:
If you have an Intel GMA 900, select the GMA package while installing.
However, this package has it’s permissions set incorrectly
and the GMA 950 kexts need to be deleted so that the GMA 900 kexts load.
This needs to be fixed post install.
The GMA 950 is working properly.
Omni just released today his modded kext (drivers) to allow full CI/QE support
for NVidia cards!! Amazing project called Titan! Congrats omni!
Follow omni’s instructions:
Please note that this was only tested in OS X 10.4.8
with semthex kernel.
Put the kext in your /System/Library/Extensions/ folder,
then in Terminal:
sudo -s
chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extension/Titan.kext
chmod -R 755 /System/Library/Extensions/Titan.kext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.mkext
rm /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache
Download Titan kext from:
Omni just got stock NVidia drivers working thanks to 10.4.8 kernel.
I can see full CI/QE and 1600×1200 resolution on his screenshot!
How kewl is that!
Check it out:
Just checked this morning how many diggs… o.0
It’s out!!! Only compatible with intel SSE3 mobos for now.
AMD & SSE2 users have to wait for a ppf to be applied on this DVD.
So everyone can get it!
Its on the green demon, search for sse3.only.install.dvd
JaS says:
This is the sse3.only install dvd for Intel and via chipped motherboards.
It can be run with or without NX / with or without HPET thanks to SemtheX!
If you have amd or sse2 grab it now as I will be releasing a ppf to add more support in
as it comes out !!!!!