GMA950 full resolution fix – 10.4.8 kexts/kernel
My GMA 950 integrated graphic card was supported out-of-the-box!
Just a glitch, I was not able to choose a resolution bigger than 1024×768…
Here is a quick fix for that:
Just replace the 10.4.8 AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
with the one from 10.4.4 (also on JaS 10.4.6/7 DVD).
In Terminal:
sudo -s
cd /System/Library/Extensions
mv AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext.original
cp -r /Users/skr3dii/tmp/AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
chown -R root:wheel AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
chmod -R 755 AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
cd ..
rm Extensions.*
Now I want the 10.4.8 IONetworkingFamily.kext, stay tuned…