Semthex – 10.4.8 kernel sources released

My friend semthex just finished his Kernel! Congratulations!
I know you did some late nights to achieve this, bro! Has I did for testing it 🙂

This kernel does NOT need HPET nor NX !!!

Get sources here:
Change log:

Instructions to setup your test partition: link
Instructions to compile the kernel: link


Semthex has not included the TPM key in the sources,
so if you want to run the GUI, you need to replace commpage.c.

This kernel doesn’t decrypt apple encrypted binaries.
You need the 10.4.8 decrypts to run the GUI.

Please don’t ask decrypts here.
It’s not legit while modding the open source code is.

GMA950 full resolution fix – 10.4.8 kexts/kernel

My GMA 950 integrated graphic card was supported out-of-the-box!
Just a glitch, I was not able to choose a resolution bigger than 1024×768…

Here is a quick fix for that:

Just replace the 10.4.8 AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
with the one from 10.4.4 (also on JaS 10.4.6/7 DVD).

In Terminal:

sudo -s
cd /System/Library/Extensions
mv AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext.original
cp -r /Users/skr3dii/tmp/AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
chown -R root:wheel AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext
chmod -R 755 AppleIntelIntegratedFrameBuffer.kext

cd ..
rm Extensions.*

Now I want the 10.4.8 IONetworkingFamily.kext, stay tuned…

Mifki kernel – Just tested myself!

Just tested this new kernel on my own hack! Works like a charm! Congrats mifki!
You need a box with HPET / SSE3 / NX to run this kernel
You need to replace the AppleSMBIOS.kext with the one from JaS 10.4.7 DVD.

If you want an alternative compatible with Non NX, SSE2 and non HPET,
wait for semthex kern.