My favorite IRC client
No need to tell you that, real geeks use to hang on the IRC.
If you’d like to join them, and you are on a Mac,
I would recommend X-Chat as IRC client.
Before you begin, be prepared to a completely different language, called “Nerdy Talk”.
This site will help you a lot to jump into this language:
Some of the coolest channels are:
Check the entire post for XInfoAqua script, click read whole post below:
Spaz provided this script for X-Chat: XInfoAqua
A system info script. It gives you system information, weather, music playing,
azureus downloading info for XChat Aqua under OSx86.
To install this script, copy it to the Plugins folder of X-Chat.
Then restart X-Chat. Now run the command /machelp for instructions.
Instructions for full 10.4.8 (semthex/mifki kernel)
Edit the script,
search for if (mac_type==”ADP2,1″): mac_name = “Developer Transition Kit”
Add a new line above or below if (mac_type==”ACPI”): mac_name = “Hackintosh”
sudo pico /System/Library/SystemProfiler/SPPlatformReporter.spreporter/Contents/Resources/SPMachineTypes.plist
Add a new key ACPI and string Hackintosh and you’re done.