Apple TV 2.1 Screenshots – ATV4mac 2.1
Good news!
We just released ATV4mac 2.1.0 (includes MobileMe support + Remote)
Remote is an application for the iPhone used to control your ATV over WiFi.
ATV4mac is an installer that enables you to run Apple TV Take 2 on your mac/PC.
It will replace your Front Row application, with a special Apple TV Front Row application.
By launching Front Row, you will get full Apple TV support on your mac/PC.
Please read the FAQ before you run the installer

Warning: ATV4mac is compatible with Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.8+ Intel only
Leopard and PPC macs are not supported.
Apple TV Software has been updated to version 2.1 to support the new ‘MobileMe’ service.
And to add a pretty nice feature that allows an iPhone to control ATV.
We could not wait to try this out on our macbook!
Please read our FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
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Take a look at the others screenshots!

The usual ATV4mac loading screen everyone knows… 🙂

A new menu appears under Photo, it’s “MobileMe” !

Wow Sorry guys, I don’t have a MobileMe account yet… :p

Time to try that neat feature Apple gives us for FREE !

Ok, it appears that I need to pair my iPhone with Apple TV, let’s try

Just need to input those numbers I see on my iPhone in the Apple TV

Yes, my iPhone connects to Apple TV and I can control it. Thank you Apple!
That’s all for today folks